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The Sales Funnel For Effective Online Marketing

Apr 26

Since ancient times sales funnels have always been part of traditional marketing and business. However lately it seems to me that the subject of using funnels in Internet business is popping up all over the internet.

Many people want to know more about the concept of marketing and how it can be used to enhance their online marketing strategies. Read on to learn more about the ways to utilize the sales funnel in Internet marketing.

What is the Sales Funnel?

A marketing funnel does not actually refer to the concept of a funnel. The term, "funnel", is used to visualize and explain the entire sales process. The term funnel can be used to describe the sales process due to its more extensive entry point for "Unqualified Prospects", and a smaller opening for converts at the bottom.

The top of the funnel or entry point to the funnel will be people we might consider to be "unqualified prospects" These are people who might require your products or services, but you have not yet contacted them. You'll have many offers and sales activities later and you'll have people who have purchased your product or service.

The effectiveness of a lead generation funnel is also due to the capability to monitor the actions of your prospects throughout the sales process. By using the sales funnel to determine the number of prospects who are qualified at each step, you will be able to predict how many potential customers are likely to become customers.

It is possible to use a sales funnel to determine the areas and ways in which your sales procedure is working or not, and also whether you're not attracting enough potential customers. This information can help you decide where your goal should be and how to maintain sales at the proper level. It is used to gauge and manage the sales process of customers.

The Sales Funnel Top - Front - End

Your top sales funnel is your most active and most crucial part of your process. It is constantly tested. There is no limit of front-end concepts. Your imagination and your resources are your only limits.

The main goal of the front-end will be to attract potential clients and convert to buyers later in the sales process.

If a potential customer opts in or subscribes to the product or service you provide, they are "qualified". This is the point of the sales funnel where the prospective customer, or "Unqualified Prospect" becomes qualified leads because they have taken an action that actually demonstrates that may have enough interest to purchase the product or service you offer.

You must create targeted traffic to your website, blog or squeeze page for your front-end to work. PPC advertisements, articles for marketing, PPC advertisements, social media such as Google+, Twitter and Facebook, YouTube, banners as well as blogging forums, content posting on forums and marketing are all great resources.

There are many tools that can be used to "qualify prospects who aren't qualified". A squeeze page is among the most efficient methods to "qualify" the prospects who are not qualified. It lets you provide something valuable that is relevant to your product or service, which people can receive at no cost or at a significantly reduced cost by requesting their email address. The products offered include newsletters as well video, eBooks, email courses and related reports.

We can see that the front-end of your sales funnel is where people are drawn into your sale funnel. What do you think of the back-end?


The Back-End or Bottom of the Funnel

The back-end (or the bottom) of your sales channel is where the bulk of sales and profits take place. It typically contains your highest priced products. These would all be related to the same niche, but in different formats such as video, audio or live interactions.

The main difference concerning the front-end and the back-end is regarding the kind of client and the cost of the service or product that is being provided.

Although it's the case that a small percentage of people will enter your front -end, only 1-2% will actually be able to make it into your back-end. This is fine, as this tiny segment will be investing more in the long run.

It is clear that although front-end services or products are priced below $100, back end products and services are typically priced in the 100s to 1000s. This means that the bottom of the sales channel also known as the back-end is the primary source of revenue.

Like I said, the sales funnel may be as easy or complex as your imagination or resources permit.

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