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Decoding HTTP Status Codes: A Closer Look at Link Health Indicators

Dec 27

Decoding HTTP Status Codes: A Closer Look at Link Health Indicators

Ever clicked on a link and encountered those mysterious three-digit numbers like 404 or 200? They're not some secret internet language; they're actually HTTP status codes, and they reveal a lot about the links you're interacting with. In this chat, let's unravel the code mystery and see why these status codes are like health checkups for your online links.

HTTP Status Codes – Decoded: What's the Scoop?

Think of it this way: when you click on a link, your browser chats with the website's server, and the server responds with a three-digit code – the HTTP status code. These codes fall into categories, telling you if everything's fine, if there's a redirect, or if something's gone wrong.

1xx – Just Info:

These are like behind-the-scenes notes. They let you know your request has been received and is getting some attention.

2xx – Winning:

You want to see these. A 200 code means everything's good – the server processed your request, and you're on your way.

3xx – Changing Paths:

These codes signal a change. A 301 means a permanent move, while 302 suggests a temporary detour.

4xx – Uh-oh, Your Bad:

When you see these, it's usually on your end. The 404, for example, means the page couldn't be found.

5xx – Oops, My Bad:

A 500 code indicates the server messed up. It's like a little "my bad" note from the server.

Why Do HTTP Status Codes Matter for Links?

Think of your website like a city, and the links are the roads. Status codes act like road signs, giving you a heads up on the condition of the path. Checking these codes is like having a map for your links – it helps you navigate and ensures a smooth journey for your website visitors.

Common HTTP Status Codes and What They Mean:

200 OK:

What it means: All good! The server processed the request smoothly.

In link terms: Clear road – keep on cruising.

404 Not Found:

What it means: Oops! The requested page couldn't be found.

In link terms: Dead end – the road is closed.

301 Moved Permanently:

What it means: The page has permanently moved to a new location.

In link terms: New address, but you're still headed in the right direction.

302 Found (Temporary Redirect):

What it means: The page has temporarily moved.

In link terms: Detour! The road is still there, but it's taking a scenic route.

Say Hello to Links Guardian Free Backlink Checker:

Now, keeping an eye on these status codes manually can be a bit of a hassle. Enter Links Guardian free backlink checker. This tool automates the process, making it a breeze to check the health of your links.

Give it a go for yourself at, and see how it can help you find any deleted, redirected links, or links with technical issues.


HTTP status codes might seem like cryptic numbers, but they're your allies in the online world. Understanding them is like having a secret code to check the health of your links. Regularly decoding these status codes ensures your website stays well-connected and reliable on the internet highway. And with tools like Links Guardian, maintaining your links has never been more human-friendly.